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Throughout my career I have always volunteered so I am in that advantageous position of understanding volunteers from both a management and volunteer’s perspective. 


I have volunteered for Brighton and Hove Museums Services in a curatorial and learning capacity; I have guided for the National Trust for over 20 years and I also volunteer for London Transport Museum’s Hidden London Programme. As the Curator at Hampstead Museum, for eight years I managed a team of volunteers to help with curatorial work. At London Transport Museum I  time-tabled volunteers to work on events both within and outside of the galleries, scheduled training for them and revised volunteer gallery resources. I also supervised volunteers at the V&A. I keep updated on volunteer policy and I can advise organisations about:


  • Recruiting and advertising for volunteers

  • Volunteer policies

  • The legal requirements of volunteering   

  • Managing and keeping volunteers

  • Volunteer networks and organisations


© 2018 Marilyn Greene

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