“Marilyn's walks are always well researched and engagingly led. She is knowledgeable about her areas and however well you think you know an area, you can be certain that she will uncover details of the history and architecture which are new to you.”
Kate Webster
Organiser of Heritage walks for the Hampstead Garden Suburb Proms
“Constable’s Hampstead is a fascinating walk through one of the most beautiful parts of London, expertly led by our guide, Marilyn Greene. Her knowledge of the subject, and of the area, is really impressive. Highly recommended.”
Jude Wheway
"Very interesting and well delivered virtual tour of Modernist architecture in Hampstead, drawing on influences of designs from bygone eras. Advantage of virtual tour you can cover a large area in a shorter time than actually walking and can zig zig!!
Great photos and expert knowledge of speaker."
Trip Advisor review
"Great insight to history and interesting hidden locations in the City. Trainer was interesting and knowledgeable."
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP employee
"Through her work at the Victoria & Albert Museum over many years, Marilyn developed a tremendous respect for diversity, and an ability to engage and communicate compassionately."
Professor Atul K Shah, author of 'Celebrating Diversity'
Photo portrait credit ©Ivan Berg
Walking Talking Culture
I am Marilyn Greene, a qualified Museum professional and guide with over 20 years of experience in the heritage sector. I have worked in charitable, council and national museums and am passionate about sharing my knowledge and skills with others.
I have founded Walking Talking Culture to specialise in enabling the public to participate in walking and/or talking about culture. I am a guide for Footprints of London the umbrella company for my Eventbrite public walks. I can advise on diversity and inclusion and aspects of heritage and interpretation. The aim is to inspire others to enjoy and appreciate material and human heritage–particularly art, architecture and history and comparative religions and cultures. Tours and workshops reflect these themes and can be tailored to different client groups.
I am a skilled communicator, curator, researcher and organiser of events and I also offer training and staff development aimed at museum, community, local organisations and businesses to have the tools to preserve and present their stories more effectively.
Click to see heritage training:
Click to see available walks and tours >